
Animatronics Controller

3 minute read

An easy to use animatronics controller that can be programmed in the field by the end user without the use of a computer and control up to two servos.

Manchester Code Visualizer

less than 1 minute read

A React-based web application that provides an interactive visual representation of Manchester-encoded data

Project Boxy

less than 1 minute read

An OpenSCAD script that can parametrically generate custom 3D-printable enclosures for electronics projects

QB on a Stretcher

less than 1 minute read

QB on a stretcher (QBONAS) is a CGI web framework written in QB64.

Reflow Oven Controller

7 minute read

This Arduino based controller turns an ordinary toaster oven into an oven for reflow soldering.

Graphical Guestbook

1 minute read

A guestbook inspired by the guestbooks commonly found on websites of the 90s and early 2000s, with a small twist: visitors to the website can leave a drawing...